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Pilihan Program Studi & Karir di Jerman

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Pre Bachelor Program (S1) in Germany

Germany Is one of the favorite countries in Europe of students from around the world to continue their study. The system and quality of educational institution in Germany, are famous to be excellent in the field of education, research and technology.

Pre Master Program (S2) in Germany

PROGRESS provides Pre-Master training program (trainingszentrum) in Indonesia and Germany for the student, generally including :

Pre Medical Doctor Specialist in Germany

PROGRESS provides Pre- Medical Doctor Spesialist training program (trainingszentrum) in Indonesia and Germany for the student, generally including :

Pre Ausbildung in Germany

PROGRESS provides Pre  Ausbildung training program (trainingszentrum) in Indonesia and Germany for the student, generally including :

Pre Aupair in Germany

Au Pair is a program aimed at young people who want to get to know the language and culture of a foreign country. Au Pair is a first step for those who want to continue their studies or career in Germany in the future.  

Pre Nursing in Germany

In Germany, the nursing profession is highly regarded, and there are various educational programs available for those interested in pursuing a career in nursing (Krankenpflege).

Coming Soon​

Coming Soon​

Windows Of Opportunity

PROGRESS helps to prepare talents from under
represented backgrounds for successful student careers.

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