Yuk Ikut!
Trial Class Bahasa Jerman

terbuka untuk SMA/SMK/MA

Berdiri Sejak Tahun 2004

Boarding Concept

Book Library & Stores

Kenapa Harus Jerman ?

Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

Kami menawarkan berbagai paket pelatihan dalam berbagai bidang studi dan karir serta menawarkan kesempatan pembelajaran campuran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda dengan sebaik-baiknya. Jika duduk di ruangan dengan seorang pelatih dan memiliki kesempatan untuk berdiskusi dengan pelajar lain kedengarannya bagus untuk Anda kami dapat menawarkan ini.

Kenapa Bersama PROGRESS ?

Years Active
Student Throughout Indonesia
0 +
Certified Teachers
0 +
Partnership Indonesia - German
0 +

Layanan Program

Tampilkan layanan yang sesuai dengan pilihan kamu
Tombol lihat lebih lanjut dapat ditautkan ke Halaman Daftar Kursus.

Pre Bachelor Program (S1) in Germany

Germany Is one of the favorite countries in Europe of students from around the world to continue their study. The system and quality of educational institution in Germany, are famous to be excellent in the field of education, research and technology.

Pre Master Program (S2) in Germany

PROGRESS provides Pre-Master training program (trainingszentrum) in Indonesia and Germany for the student, generally including :

Pre Medical Doctor Specialist in Germany

PROGRESS provides Pre- Medical Doctor Spesialist training program (trainingszentrum) in Indonesia and Germany for the student, generally including :

Pre Ausbildung in Germany

PROGRESS provides Pre  Ausbildung training program (trainingszentrum) in Indonesia and Germany for the student, generally including :

A Legacy Of Leading!

PROGRESS adalah salah satunya
yang menerapkan konsep One Stop Premium Service dan dilengkapi apartemen mahasiswa.

Apply For Admission

Mari kita persiapkan semuanya sehingga Anda dapat memulai jalur Anda ke universitas.

    "Education is the passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today"

    Malcolm X


    Apa kata mereka 

    Berita & Acara

    The emphasis is therefore shifting to teaching the skills of learning: to picking
    up new knowledge quickly and in as agile a way as possible.
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    German language Study Center

    12:00 PM - 05:00 PM
    At Institution

    Finish schools have even begun to move away from the regular subject-focused curricula, introducing instead developments like phenomenon-based learning, where...

    20 Dec

    English Language Study Beginner

    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    At University

    Finish schools have even begun to move away from the regular subject-focused curricula, introducing instead developments like phenomenon-based learning, where...


    It has been argued that high rates of education are essential for countries
    to be able to achieve high levels of economic growth.

    Kenapa Studienkolleg Harus di Jerman ?

    Bagi pelajar internasional yang bercita-cita kuliah di Jerman,...


    Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post....


    Bachelor of Art & Science

    Bachelor of Arts from the bachelor’s degree awarded for an undergraduate program...

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      Pendaftaran ECL Exam anda berhasil

      Danke !